What is Hydroponics, Anyway?


A new trend of indoor gardening has recently become quite popular. This is because not only can hydroponic gardening be incredibly entertaining and beautiful, it is also something that can be done in any space with almost any kind of plant.

So, what is hydroponics?  Hydroponics it the art of growing plants without the use of soil.  That’s right!  You can grow crops without having to have any messy dirt or soil around.  This is done using mineral rich water and special growing containers to compensate for the needed nutrients that plants usually get from soil.

When you build a hydroponics system, you are creating an environment for plants to grow without the need of soil.  This requires a special kind of water, and a unique kind of filtration and regulatory system to keep that water rotating and to allow the plants to partake of everything in the mineral rich water that they need to survive.  There are a few different types of hydroponics systems you can make.  Some of these are as simple as floating seedlings in mineral rich water with the use of Styrofoam, or other floating materials.  Others are more involved requiring water pumps, tubing, and specially designed containers.  Whichever system you use, there is a small margin of error once the system is in place.  Even the darkest black thumb can keep a hydroponics system going if they follow the right instructions.

Hydroponics is a new hobby that many people are bringing into their homes, and this makes a lot of sense as hydroponic gardening provides a unique way to grow a crop without the need of soil.  It can be done in small spaces, and you can grow useful crops like lettuce and other edible items thus enhancing the health of your diet, and reducing the amount of food you have to purchase in the store.  These benefits are incredible for something that has also been called a natural stress reducer and a beautifier if used in the right ways.

Now, we love that hydroponics has been brought into the home setting, but what is hydroponics in the scientific world?  It is a hope for many different scientific projects and experiments.  For instance, many scientists are hoping that hydroponic technology can be used to create edible gardens on space stations for astronauts to help edify their diets with fresh produce grown without the need for soil and gravity.

What Is hydroponics?  It is a new wave of science experiments that you can be a part of in your own home.  It is a new way to bring husbandry and natural, organic beauty into your own home. Hydroponics is a way for you to add a wholesome recreational activity into your everyday life while also adding to your nutritional intake and improving the environment. Hydroponics is a method of reducing stress, spending your time on something worthwhile and beautiful, and increasing your knowledge of horticulture and nutrition.